Hyunwoo Sung
1 min readMay 12, 2018



Had the same DOMException: setOptions failed on takePhoto() issue.

With work-around found from above discussion, using grabFrame() instead and converted bitmap to dataurl and then converted to blob again to get it working.

capture() {const mediaStreamTrack = this.mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0]const imageCapture = new window.ImageCapture(mediaStreamTrack)var vm = thisreturn imageCapture.grabFrame().then(bitmap => {console.log('bitmap :', bitmap)let canvas = document.createElement('canvas')let context = canvas.getContext('2d')context.drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height)return canvas.toDataURL()}).then(bitmap => {var blob = vm.dataURItoBlob(bitmap)return blob}).then(blob => {firebase.storage.ref().child(`images/picture-${new Date().getTime()}`).put(blob).then(res => {var path = res.metadata.fullPathvar storageRef = firebase.storage.ref()var url = storageRef.child(path).getDownloadURL()return url}).then(function(url) {vm.postCat(url, 'Hello')vm.$router.go(-1)})})}

But has strange behavior that it takes 640x480 size only.

Will comeback if I find a solution for the shrieked photo.


